Wednesday, July 30, 2003

Announcements For A Wednesday Afternoon

1. Legal battles are all usually pretty messy, and rely on a lot of technicalities, and when you're the "attorney's representative" and you adamantly insist on some points in your attorney's stead, you frustrate the opposing side very easily. So much so that they make a show of scribbling down your name and nodding cryptically to themself as if making a mental note to hit you back with a preposterous counter-pleading.

2. My dad said that my sister is like "Great Garbled" because she never keeps in touch and is impossible to find. He meant Greta Garbo.

3. My dad also has done some internet research to find where we could find a Scottish Fold cat at a discount price. I wonder when the day will come when he will no longer insist on bargain shopping, especially for living, breathing beings. He also said Dozer was, "not that funny."

4. I'm, like, really tired of being alone, but at the same time, company can be equally tiresome. You always have to be "on" with company. Maybe it's time to get married.

5. I like the idea of coffee, more than I actually like drinking it.

6. Actually, I like the idea of things, more than actually doing them.

Sunday, July 27, 2003

Daily Affirmations

Today I am going to record some of the nicest things people have ever said to me. This is not some exercise in self-glorification or publicity. This is because I'd like to memorialize the thoughts, and be able to look back at this one day and remember that the beautiful sentiments of my friends and family are what fuel my inner fire.

J said, "You make everything you are a part of better."

V said, "It's like you have this light about you."

S said, "You are so positive."

These are things they have said to me that inspired me and made me flush all over with pride, because they brought out traits in me I did not realize I could possess. I think recognizing in other people those fine qualities that are unique, and telling them about it, can effect so often these imperceptible changes that actually make all the difference in the world.

Thursday, July 24, 2003


It's not that there are so many things that I want to do and accomplish. It's that there are so many things I can do, and can accomplish, which I won't. because I'm so damn lazy. This is my greatest handicap. This should be anybody's greatest handicap.

I know that my ability is boundless. I wake up every day with the world at my fingertips, because I can make no reasonable argument that I have limitations in the form of time, energy, money, or access. But it's hard to get me excited about doing anything except watching "The Golden Girls." Oh my God, I'm really sharing too much.

Well, without presenting a portrait in loserdom, I will say that lately I have really been coming to terms with my own indolence. I don't know if it's because it's summertime and the responsibilities of school and work have never felt more irksome; or if it's because I'm just sort of lonely.

I'm jealous of myself, circa summer of 2002.

Sunday, July 20, 2003

Home Sweet Home

It has been almost one month since I moved to my new mini-house in Hillcrest. I think I am finally happy with the place. Multiple trips to Target and IKEA helped me get to this point. I think the finishing touch on everything was this great, large green rug I found at the Crate & Barrel outlet today for a whopping $15.

It's nesting in this new apartment that has kept me away from Blogger. Also, work turns me off to coming back to a computer at the end of the day. I can't believe that the summer is almost over. Where did it go? A quick little trip to New York sort of came and went. I have not yet done justice to the summer weather, although in fairness, we have not yet been handed a true beautiful day yet.

Reyna and I checked out LA's White Lotus last night. Not bad at all. I appreciated the character -- however artificial it was. Excellent lychee martinis and fantastic-looking people. It was like a plastic surgery patients' convention.

I'm finally going to cave in and order HBO. Damn you, Cox Communications!

Friday, July 11, 2003

The Day After

I'm trying to figure out right now why last night I acted so responsively or enthusiastically to various conversations I was involved in. A day later, sitting in your office cubicle pushing papers around, you remember the bustle and activity of the previous evening's events, and you wonder, "Why did I act that way?" I'm at a loss, thinking about how I had that much energy. Today, the topics discussed and the empty exclamations I made seem so frivolous. I keep shaking my head in disbelief. Especially because nobody sees it in this office.

I also have to confess that while I was having breakfast today, watching the Herve Villechaize E! True Hollywood Story, I became sick to my stomach having coffee with images of Herve's last days. Fantasy Island's favorite butler had serious medical problems in his final years and the program spared nothing in portraying his agony and physical debilitation. He even made a drawing entitled "Dwarf Pain" that sort of depicted how excruciating it was to live with normal-sized organs in a midget body. God, why am I sharing this on Blogger? I just thought it was weird that something like that pretty much ruined my breakfast.

Friday, July 04, 2003

Dear West Coast Ladies

I represented well for you last night.

I have been in New York for more than 24 hours now and I'm having a blast. I actually like the humidity, because it feels good on my skin. I'm not crazy about not being able to see the sun and seeing a haze of smog all around and above me, but that's just a small price to pay to live among so many manmade structures.

Everything has gone incredibly smoothly thanks to all of the good friends that are hosting. The city makes me really miss London, where things are orderly, neat, and so much like a doll's playland.

Visiting new cities makes you really appreciate the virtues of other ones, and of course, the one that you're visiting. I'm starting to think that this is the most valuable aspect of travelling. Now when I think of LA or San Diego being too boring, I'll remember that it is a necessary consequence of having wide roads, evenly manicured lawns, and the overall sunshiny wonderfulness of healthy West Coast living.

We ate at Tribeca Grill and were partying through the night. I shopped through SoHo and have not had one bad, stereotypical New York run-in at all.

As an unrelated aside, it's a little disturbing to wonder what "Ren and Stimpy: Adult Party Cartoon" is supposed to be like.

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