Sunday, November 20, 2005

Squeaky Clean

I miss baths. I haven't had a bathtub in over a year now. I haven't lost any sleep over not being able to take a bubble bath. But I do occasionally long for a Calgon moment.

"Just like the Calgon commercial, I really gotta get up outta here." Cute, basic concept.

I tried my best this weekend to not mourn too much. Tracy said all of this is just psychological warfare. I will get past it, someday soon. I have taken a lot of comfort lately in the idea that most things in life are necessarily transient. Places. Pursuits. Exams, and the like.

What isn't transient, thank God, are the people in my life, and the friendships I have crafted. That I admire every person I call my friend, and look also to their good examples as a measuring stick of my own integrity, is the balancing force in a life full of unexpected turns.

Things may be a little wavy in days to come, but I think I'm ready.


At 8:26 PM, Blogger Jose said...

Yes! Go champ! But one thing you need to confess: This Calgon allusion is all because of MC.


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