Saturday, July 16, 2005

Le Mort

guinevere Sometimes it's not obvious what I'm talking about here, sometimes it's too obvious. Sometimes I'm really trying to convey something, and sometimes I'm really just trying to put it down so that a couple years later I can click back and see what was up, back then.

Today was the day I became really certain about something. I don't know if I like this feeling. You reserve a lot for the unknown because it contributes to your spontaneity and joie de vivre. Prescience is scary, and many sci-fi movies tell us that there is little we can do to alter the inevitable result. "A hundred times I could do it differently, and it all would have ended the same way."

I was at the Hotel Figueroa last night for our office's pre-merge happy hour. (It's nice to get your own boss's endorsement to leave the books for a little bit.) It came to my attention that my new colleagues employ the common and useful practice of Googling others. OK, so if you've found me here, congratulations and sorry, and I leave it at that. Hope it can help you goof off, but this will never be a work blog. Except to say: the happy hour itself was warm, welcoming, and such a great motivator for the next two weeks.

Two other very memorable things last night. We were walking to my car and then we saw a man walking by pulling a large piece of luggage on wheels, only there was a hole in there where he had put his tiny white dog. The white dog stuck half its body out, staring at the world around him as he was being hauled through the streets of West Los Angeles. At first, I thought the sight was bizarre. Then I couldn't stop cooing about how cute it was, with that sweet little puppy, so devoted to his obviously discombobulated owner. So Ramon imitated the dog travelling across the sidewalk, and I doubled over right there in hysterics.

Then, having a conversation in Italian with a Luxembourgan dude named Olaf. Then there was this Moroccan guy, and then another girl of unidentified nationality, and we all spoke Italian. What are the odds? Olaf said it was weird to see the words coming out of an Asian girl. I was glad to fill the niche.

I also had a great surprise today when Cirrus scooped me up at the UCLA library. We went to ISO (thanks for the milk tea, bella) and it felt like old times, different city. Ever the fan of all things Hamptonsesque white, she saw the hoodie in my backpack and patted it gently, smiling in approval.

Things will be better, the other thing I am certain of. With all that I have, it's hard to not be optimistic.


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