Monday, April 12, 2004

When You Go Black, You Can't Go Back

I dyed my hair back to... normal. The funny thing is, I can't get used to it, and just go from mirror to mirror marveling about how odd I look. But this is my hair's natural color. This is what it's supposed to look like. Trouble is, it hasn't looked that way for a good 5 years now.

Natalia and I actually sat around for a long time discussing whether or not this was a good change. If it suited me. If it was right for me. Essentially, if having the same color of hair that actually grows out of my head is a good look for me.

She said, "Give it a few days before you do anything, OK? See if you like it."

What has high maintenance and the conveniences of modern grooming turned us into?

I have to confess, however, there are multiple highlights of blonde, brown, and red strategically placed throughout my hair. I couldn't go whole hog. I mean, looking like me just isn't me.

Unfortunately, my arm so conspicuously poised gives away the lack of a third-party photographer.


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