Sunday, November 03, 2002

Deep Fried

I spent the weekend with Jose, Reyna, and Stella. It was tiring but incredibly fun.

Things I remember:

1. "Daniel Bedingfield has a crunchy face." "What does that mean, it's deep fried?"
2. "Come on dearie, show 'em what you've got!" (sung)
3. "95S for Stella, 195E for Eddie."
4. "Oh my God, why are they so ugly?"
5. "You're sassy and you know it!"
6. "I want to write a love letter to my boyfriend."

Images I remember:

1. Standing outside a bar, text messaging my name and phone number to a boy on the other side of the window, inside the bar.
2. Riding the T in a "ski bunny" outfit.
3. Riding the tram in a "recreational" outfit of pink velour.
5. Eating fabulous clam chowder, good pizza, lots of fried foods, Greek food, and Chinese-style calamari.
4. Laughing, laughing, laughing.
5. Enduring ghetto accents.

I am competing this week in an oral advocacy competition. I hope I do not tank.


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