Thursday, September 19, 2002

12:21 and All is Well

I just got back from an invigorating workout at the gym. Right now I feel hopeful and overprivileged. I would like to always feel this way. Consider the alternative: desolate and underprivileged. Boy, if that were the case, I would prefer to just die.

But, we are looking at the positive side of things today. That includes finding a site where Gucci sunglasses are only $100! That beats the price I got them for at Guidoreni in Florence, but of course, that was a veritable tourist trap and I couldn't expect to really pay the best price for them, just a better price than what I could find in America. This new price tag I've discovered enables the Gucci Girl in Training to get her favorite style in a few of her favorite colors. I am kidding.

(No, I'm not.)

Actually, I've decided to freeze my finances right now because there is not enough coming in and too much going out. Yesterday, however, I experienced a windfall. Just as I said I wanted to start working again and that I was in desperate need of cash, I got 1) an overdue refund check from my roommate, 2) a job offer, and 3) an increase in my allowance from Daddy Dearest. It is a kind and benevolent God that sometimes likes to surprise me. I don't think I've done anything good lately to deserve that.

Tonight, Reyna and Tammy will be over. I'm really excited - the furniture of Apartment 209 is in place and now the roommates will be, as well.


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