Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Cosmos and CNN

all the temptation in the world We both grabbed sandwiches and then met on a park bench just outside the Central Library. Kids back to school were milling around in their first field trip of the year, standing listlessly around old trees that have long decorated the metropolitan expanse. He had tuna and I had turkey, and I was glad to have my best friend in just the next building.

We went five minutes too long, which was fortunate. When I came back I saw many co-workers standing outside the Aon Center. More than a coincidence, I thought, and found out quickly about the power outage. Had I gone back to work on time, I would have probably been stuck in an elevator, or had to trek down 45 flights of stairs. And then most of the office was returning from their lunches. So we just stood around in a circle and made smart cracks.

There was pandemonium for awhile. Sirens, many questions, cars stalled because of tripped-up traffic signals. Still, we stood around. Starbucks? Probably closed as well. Eventually we made our way to the bar for martinis. One of the partners treated the lot of us. A pink drink, some ribbing, and watching the state of our sequestration on the news right before us. I could not think of a better way to pass the non-billable hours than with company, cosmos, and CNN.
This is the last time
That I will show my face.
One last tender lie
And then I'm out of this place.
So tread it into the carpet,
Or hide it under the stairs.
Say that some things never die,
Well I tried, and I tried.

Something I wasn't sure of,
But I was in the middle of.
Something I forget now,
But I've seen too little of.
- Keane


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