Friday, March 01, 2002

Time After Time

I remember being 19 years old and being a passenger in a green Nissan Altima at midnight, on the 10E headed to Monterey Park for an impromptu styrofoam cup of boba milk tea. I remember feeling excited, intrigued, and curious. I remember being with 3 tall boys: one was Thai, one was Mexican, and the other Irish.

I remember being 22 years old and in my bedroom in Westwood, playing CDs burned in Italy. It now feels like the room had a color, a memory tinted with gray because so little sun was coming through the curtained window. I remember feeling hopeful, young, and eager. I remember being with 1 tall boy: he was Italian.

It's amazing how aligned your memory and your senses are. Scents, sounds, tastes, will bring you back to a place or time. It's the quickest way to travel. Today I unwittingly played a song I often overlook on my playlist, and without any control whatsoever tears welled up in my eyes. The memories attached to the song rushed back faster than I could understand what was happening.

I agree with Mary -- time goes by criminally fast. I've been asked several times in my life, "If you could have one super power, what would it be?" I've consistently answered, "Like Evie on 'Out of this World,' the ability to stop time by just putting your fingers together." I remember that show, brainstormed by NBC to be part of their "Prime time starts at 7:30!" campaign, but duly went to syndication and moved to KTLA. Whatever its final home, it left me a firm choice for the one super power I would select over any other in our mortal consciousness.


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